[citation][nom]Kabel[/nom]WikiLeaks release of classified US government documents has not shown a single "cablegate" scenario. Not one. There is no smoking gun...[/citation]
I beg to differ. I cannot speak for all document since I have not read through them all but I have read about a lot of disturbing things going on.
One is that a big IT company that has a very tight relationship with Microsoft has been working with the EU parliament in Brussels to suppress development of Open-Source software.
There are also indications that people who try to enforce software patents within the EU are strongly influenced by commercial interests in the US.
Measures such as legislative packages to authorize the states to warrantlessly wiretap all telephone and Internet traffic and force ISP to store traffic data for individual users have been taken with the arguments to "stop childporn" and "fight terrorism". Most educated people have known that this is b*llsh*t and childporn and terrorism merely are strawman arguments but it has been difficult to prove until Wikileaks documents have revealed explicitly that this is the case showing communications about this between embassies.
Among many things there was a checklist issued by the International Intellectual Property Alliance (aka IIPA):
Adopt the copyright law amendments on injunctive relief against ISPs and a “right of information” to permit rights holders to obtain the identity of suspected infringers from ISPs in civil cases
• Prosecute to the fullest extent the owners of ThePirateBay
• Increase the prosecutorial and police manpower devoted to criminal Internet piracy enforcement
• Commence a national criminal enforcement campaign to target source piracy and large scale Internet pirates
• Ensure that rights holders may pursue the new civil remedies easily and quickly
• Take an active role fostering ISP-rights holder discussions to effectively prevent protected content from being distributed without authorization over the Internet
Here is a post that gets deeper into this:
There are also speculations that US government have interests in creating a war as a way to stimulate the economy and gunned down alleged terrorists that have turned out to be innocent people. I have not read into this deeply enough to argue for this.