So my laptop recently went through the fire and i had to apply for a RMA. I shipped via ups they received it the 5th of this month and have not yet posted any updates as to when i will recieve a replacement. I call everyday and they say call back tomorrow and i do. Still cant get any info on when I will get my laptop. Its really not that hard to look at the computer, see that it is not repairable and simply package a new one in a box and ship back to me. I swear this whole company is composed retards. The repair status inquiry reads 0% completion. Its been like that since they recieved it and nothing has changed. Took me forever to find their support number and it wasnt even on the website. Had to google to get it. What kind of company who manufactures computers doenst post a number on it's website. This company really needs to be dissolved and stop attempting to make products. They are the worst out there hands down. Doesnt help that everyone i speak to is foreign and i cant understand them for the most part. I will not wait for the replacment unit and will purchase from a more reptuable seller such as dell.
ASUS=shittyassfailcompany. Stay away from everything they make.

ASUS=shittyassfailcompany. Stay away from everything they make.