Question ASUS GT-AX11000 Dropping Connection


Aug 8, 2020
I hope this is the correct forum - I couldn't find a "router" forum! I have an ASUS GT-AX11000 router, with an RP-AC1900 extender. For the first 8 months this setup was rock solid. I have 34 devices connected, and speeds are excellent. Now, at least daily, and occassionally 2-3 times daily, the router completely drops the 5 GHz channels. They are not discoverable, but the 2.4 GHz channel is still there. Wired connections also are offline at this time. A reboot seems to resolve this. I shouldn't have to reboot a router daily in order to maintain wireless connectivity. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a resolution? And if not, please direct me to a more stable router (or AIMesh configuration) that will be more trouble free.
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As an FYI (since no one posted any resolutions or suggestions):
I updated the firmware on the GT-AX11000 and the RP-AC1900. It's now been 7 days with no further 5Ghz channel problems. Strange that the connectivity problem just suddenly started even though it had been stable for many months.
Thank you for the suggestions. The problem has persisted - and has been very intermittent. About 2 weeks ago I had to reboot 4-5x / day for 3 days in a row, then no problems until 2 days ago. I did update all firmware and several weeks ago did the reset/startover. I have tried different channels, hoping that would solve the issues! Still weird that it also drops the wired connections when it does this. I'm going to try Merlin as a last resort. If that doesn't work I will make the move to Netgear.