Question Asus x205t No USB Boot

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Oct 9, 2019
I have an ASUS x205t with a formatted hard drive and no way to boot: no optical drive and no USB boot due to widely reported problems with this on this model.

I am able to access command line due to the windows files on the partition (however, it appears that the windows restore image is no help to startup recovery/repair).

Since my USB drive doesn't boot, I can't begin the boot and install process for any OS. What I'm looking for is a self-installing .exe type OS setup file that could get me on my feet. You know, like they used to do back in the 80s and 90s.

Seems like it would be useful to have a self-contained basic OS that could be copied to a wiped hard drive and simply expands and installs itself. OR, at the very least deploys a basic framework from which to finish the install drivers and a basic workable interface from which a user can begin installing another OS etc.. Does something like this exist? Does my question make sense?!? :)
Lol! So after months of trying to solve this, I finally did it. Only after posting here or anywhere for the first time.

Hope this helps any other ASUS x205t owners who have the same problem as I did in the future:

Basically, all I did was go into command line through Windows troubleshooting option and used diskpart to delete all of the volumes, partitions, and disks as thoroughly as I could.

I then restarted, made sure secure boot was off in BIOS, and had my OS boot USB in the 2.0 USB port. The OS install booted right up!!
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