Solved! Asus zedpad8.0 wont open


Jul 10, 2017
My zedpad 8.0 wont open at all. I have tried charging but it wont charge nor open. Instead the zedpad gets heated up. Please help.
It could be a bad battery, which I think would be the most likely culprit. It could also be a bad charger. And it could be a few other things.

I would, however, start with the battery.

If the tablet is under warranty still, contact the manufacturer about a repair or replacement. If it isn't under warranty, then you can try replacing the battery yourself, or take it to someone who can do it for you.
It could be a bad battery, which I think would be the most likely culprit. It could also be a bad charger. And it could be a few other things.

I would, however, start with the battery.

If the tablet is under warranty still, contact the manufacturer about a repair or replacement. If it isn't under warranty, then you can try replacing the battery yourself, or take it to someone who can do it for you.