Ok, I need to output my notebook to an old monitor, but the resolution+color depth+frequency are too high.
I cannoth put the frequency below 60hz, the color depth below 16bit, and the resolution by 800x600. If I can get it down to 640x480, I can prolly use the monitor though.
This is a presario 1201z notebook, but I installed my own copy of windows xp and am using its drivers (as I could not find compaq drivers for it).
Any ideas on a registry file or sytem file I can edit to add the resolution (I know there was one in windows 98, but this isn't 98, and the file isn't there.)
Athlon XP 1600+, MSI K7T PRO2 RU (POS), 2x256 MB CRUCIAL PC2100 CL2.5 memory, Asus V6800 DDR Delux (GF 256) video card, 6.4GB+27GB WD HD, 40GB IBM HD (all 7200RPM). My computer is an acronym
I cannoth put the frequency below 60hz, the color depth below 16bit, and the resolution by 800x600. If I can get it down to 640x480, I can prolly use the monitor though.
This is a presario 1201z notebook, but I installed my own copy of windows xp and am using its drivers (as I could not find compaq drivers for it).
Any ideas on a registry file or sytem file I can edit to add the resolution (I know there was one in windows 98, but this isn't 98, and the file isn't there.)
Athlon XP 1600+, MSI K7T PRO2 RU (POS), 2x256 MB CRUCIAL PC2100 CL2.5 memory, Asus V6800 DDR Delux (GF 256) video card, 6.4GB+27GB WD HD, 40GB IBM HD (all 7200RPM). My computer is an acronym