Audi Announces In-Car 4G LTE Pricing: Is it a Rip-off?

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I don't get it; what will it offer that your cellphone doesn't? Is it going to have some mega-booster? Personally I have unlimited data and wouldn't have it any other way. But my phone itself can be a hotspot if I so choose. Rarely I'll connect the laptop to it for emergency work issues but generally it can do the surfing I need at the time. Seems more like a $ grab due to a hot trigger word to me honestly.
This would be great for using google maps to get around traffic on the larger in dash unit rather than running down the phone battery. It would also be great to use Pandora on the cars sound system.
"That's about $3 less per gigabyte than Audi and AT&T's 30GB plan." No, it's not. The 30 month 30GB plan for $499 is 16.63/month, and that breaks down to $0.554 per gigabyte per month. The 6 month 5GB plan for $99 comes to 16.67/month, or $3.33 per gigabyte per month. Your math is wrong.
I just recently sold my 2013 S5 for a few reasons a big one was because it required a separate data plan on T-Mobile for the car to have any external connectivity. Seriously? With Ford, GM, and Chrysler's infotainment systems using your smartphone as a data conduit. No one these days leaves home without their smartphone why would I want to pay for two data plans? Audi fail.
I was excited at first, "So finally we'll get a hotspot with great reception for those long trips!"Then I saw the pricing and realized it'd probably still get spotty 4G coverage everywhere outside of the city anyway.
It's an Audi extra, so of course it's a rip-off. Just look at their outrageous 'options' list. If you want an Audi A3 but can manage without the little badge on the front, just buy a Volkswagen Golf / Jetta instead. A mechanically identical car, equally well built, and much cheaper to buy and service.
It's an Audi extra, so of course it's a rip-off. Just look at their outrageous 'options' list. If you want an Audi A3 but can manage without the little badge on the front, just buy a Volkswagen Golf / Jetta instead. A mechanically identical car, equally well built, and much cheaper to buy and service.
NO it is not and will never be "equal" please don't talk about Audi vs VW since you clearly have no idea about either.
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