Question auto-start foscams and auto log on and password question


Aug 20, 2016
i have win10 21h2 19044 and on my top tab bar i have some tabs that i pin and use everyday 3 of them are foscam cameras that i have to open in there own tabs. i use the ip camera search tool and that tool finds the foscam cameras and i click on one and have to enter username and password. then i pin them to the tab bar on top of the chrome browser. so by any chance is there a way to have them just open without having to input the username and password everytime. like maybe soem type of bat file tha ti can input in the task manager?

is there anyway to get windows to open them with the username and password automatically when i start my chrome browser? every day i have to log onto them and there may be a bat file i could put in the task manager that might just do that for me? it is a long shot but i have to ask just in case. thanks.
if you only wanna watch the video, you could use the vlc player
have a look into the manual of your foscam cam and enter the ip address and username/password of the cam

For example:
Port number: 88
User name: admin
Password: 123

Here enter one of the following URLs in the VLC.
2.rtsp:// @
i do that now i was looking to see if by chance there was a way to have the tab start when i start the chrome browser like i have yahoo and ebay open so when i click the tab they are there, and then when it opens auto fill the data so the camera starts running, but it sounds like that will not happen so i will have to just do ti the hard way. evne if the fields would auto fill with out me having to click on a field so that i could just click on the login button and be done. thanks