Awful FPS drops high end laptop

Aug 23, 2018
Good evening everyone ! As the title says I am starting to get really weird fps drops on my high end laptop. The specs are as follow : GTX 1080 8GB, i7 8700K, 32GB Corsair VENGEANCE 2400MHz SODIMM DDR4, Samsung Evo 850 1TB SSD. I've been playing most of the games that started to show fps drops for 8 months without any problem. I don't recall changing any settings, all my drivers are up to date, CPU usage is about 6% in idle and 25-30% in games, memory is about 40-50% while games run. The games I am talking about are The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Shadow of Mordor. I haven't changed any settings in the games either. I usually play on ultra settings and get about 80-100 FPS, min used to be about 70-77, avg 88. Now it drops down to 15-20 fps.. This doesn't happend while the map loads or at the beggining of the round to believe that it laggs because the map might be loading but in the middle of the round, while aiming or even looking at a wall, or fighting.. completely random.. If everyone has any idea I would be forever grateful ! I wish you all a good evening ! P.S. My ping is always 25-30 and I never felt like it was actual lagg, more like stuttering. Especially because Shadow of Mordor is offline as well.
Aug 23, 2018

The temperatures I get are max 80 degree Celcius. As for memory leak, I don't know how to test that..