Backing Up Laptop Onto Desktop


Jul 10, 2007

my friend wants to back up her laptop on my desktop. the space is sufficent. im wondering how i can do this. im asuming we gotta network eachother... i know we can copy paste but i dont think that would be the best way to do it. is there a faster way other then network? also, when i do "back up drive" or whatever, do i just select my desktop as the destination? basically im asking, is it THAT straight forward?

any other sugestions that dont follow my questions are more then welcome! i love to learn, even if its totally random and it doesnt have anything to do with this thread =D

(but plz dont digress to much :S)
If you don't have a router and have no need to set up a network, you could get an external hard drive or she could. It wouldn't cost that much more than setting up a network. What you'll want to do is create a Folder on the drive your backing up to, hopefully not the one with the OS, and just Copy and Paste. Most retail external drives come with software to back up. If you put it together yourself, which is better because choose the parts and if you ever have a problem with a connection, easiest enough to install the drive as an internal, there's good back up programs like
thanks for the suggestions! very much appreciated!

the only thing is, i dont want to spend money :S even an external hard drive. lookin for a costfree way. i have a secondary harddrive that im planning to use for this backup. is it possible to jam an ethernet cable into one comptuer, then hookin the other end up directly to the laptop, then transfering that way? that would be the easiest if possible. and if so, are there any steps id need to take?

help please =) thanks!
You can connect the computers directly using a parallel cable This is from XP help
To make a direct network connection by using a DirectParallel cable
You must be logged on to this computer as an administrator to complete this procedure.

Open Network Connections.
Under Network Tasks, click Create a new connection, and then click Next.
Click Set up an advanced connection, and then click Next.
Click Connect directly to another computer, click Next, and then do one of the following:
If you want your computer to act as the host (your computer contains the information you need to access), click Host.
If you want your computer to act as the guest (your computer accesses information on another computer), click Guest, and then click Next.
In Device for this connection, click Direct Parallel (LPT1), and then click Next.
Follow the remaining instructions in the New Connection Wizard.

To open Network Connections, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network Connections.
A direct network connection that uses a DirectParallel cable requires a stand-alone computer running Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
For information about contacting Parallel Technologies or their local dealers to order DirectParallel cables, click Related Topics.
thanks for your reply, but im running vista 64bit. im pretty sure if i worked at it, id be able to find a way to apply it to vista, but ive been trying for a bit, i cant seem to get some things started. any vista users help me out please?
If you haven't done so, check out MS support and do a search, they actually have some really use full if you can find it. I found what I posted in Windows Help