Berkeley's BOINC Reaches 2B Results Milestone for SETI@Home

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[citation][nom]mavroxur[/nom]I quit SETI@Home when i'd go days (and sometimes weeks) without receiving work units, and being unable to send in work units. If they don't care enough to get their system working properly, I don't care enough to do work units. And apparently I wasn't the only one that had these problems, the forums were constantly flooded with it.[/citation]

Was tht 2009. IIRC, 2009 was a disastrous year for equipment failures. I've been doing Seti since 1999.
I'm not a fan of Seti@Home because of the fact that it doesn't deliver usable science. With that said however, BOINC has 25+ other scientific projects most of which actually do something useful for scientific research. I still think BOINC is a fantastic idea, though seti@home is a huge waste of resources. I doubt any evolved civilization will be using radio transmission for communications anyways - I doubt we will be using radio transmission past a hundred years from now or so.
[citation][nom]edvinasm[/nom]That is the project to "decipher" noise coming from sky and "check" if that could be some extraterrestrial, right? Not trying to be smart but all these TFlops of performance and enormous amount of electricity (leading to more CO2 emissions) used going for some UFO hunting? Does nobody think that we have more important things to do here, on Earth? Like fight cancer and Alzheimer's? Maybe do some protein folding..?Sorry if offended anyone, what you guys do with your computers is your own business, just saying that it seems a huge waste in general. Unless there are some solid results out of it? Sure 10+ years of work produced something?[/citation]

I have to agree on this one. The SETI@ thing "sounds cool" in a PC geek/nerd/techy/what have you, kind of way. ...But is it useful and practical? Is the FOLDING@ process useful?

Of the two, I have to go with the FOLDING@ app, since it does apply to the oncology field of study. -Very relevant to life today.
boinc is so much more than seti...wcg is eqvalent to f@h and boinc is open to evry1 and there can fold proteins hunt for cancer cure aid and much more, what can you do on f@h? ya just fold proteins...
Face it there are no aliens and even if there were they won't return that wasted energy or fix our economy

why are you even doing this, maybe they are hostile or so
Sorry to burst your Alienphobic point of view, ummmm but there are aliens. I have been with them. They do not use radio signals to communicate, they accelerate light photons 100 times the speed of light. It is binary in nature but 3d in form, thus packing terrabytes so tight you could never use anything we have developed on this planet now or in the next 1000 years to EVER collect yet alone have the computing power to decode it. Silly silly stupid humans, soooo much two learn.

To all the "but SETI @home waste's electricity!" commenter here. I guess posting crap on toms forums saves the world, and doesn't waste any electricity or build co2...
[citation][nom]danwat1234[/nom]Here is some information about what is involved, keep in mind the info is old but still relevant. The data analysis now-days is way enhanced from what is shown in this link. http://seticlassic.ssl.berkeley.ed [...] ome_4.htmlJack for computational power? It takes about 3 hours to process a 107 second piece of audio at a very narrow frequency range on a core of my computer, and that's with an SSE4 optimized engine.Think about it.@edvinasm, seti@home isn't trying to find voices coming from space, but audio patterns that can't be produced naturally. I agree it would probably be impossible to decrypt the audio even if we got hold of a clean recording. Sending a message back might take centuries because of the speed of sound in space.[/citation]

Sell your iMac and get a real computer, then. It's 2012, son.
[citation][nom]dalethepcman[/nom]To all the "but SETI @home waste's electricity!" commenter here. I guess posting crap on toms forums saves the world, and doesn't waste any electricity or build co2...[/citation]
The power draw from writing in a forum is very very small compared to having cpu;s and gpu;s work to the full.
And writing in a forum thread is at least something that is constructive.
Who knows? If talking about it more, it could even lead to somebody not wasting energy on SETI@home and maybe supporting something like folding@home or just not waste no energy at all on distributed computing projects, which would mean that us being in here writing about the CO2 footprint would have saved energy!

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