Best Android phone

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There's no clear answer to this question...

The HTC Incredible has the Sense UI, which some people really like, as well as a fast Snapdragon 1GHz CPU and twice the RAM as the Moto Droid. The phone also has a good 8 MP camera, which can record OK video as well.

The drawbacks of the HTC Incredible vs Moto Droid:
1) No QWERTY keyboard (I think this is a pretty big deal, because the QWERTY is very useful for many things like control in emulated games).
2) Many games are optimized for the iPhone hardware's PowerVR GPU, which means that if a game is ported from an iPhone 3GS it will run significantly better on the Moto Droid vs Incredible / Nexus One unless significant optimization is done.
3) Inferior battery life.
4) You can't see the display worth a damn in sunlight.
5) Sense UI will mean that you'll need to wait for the 2.2 update longer. 2.2 having some pretty significant performance and feature improvements!
6) The build quality is kinda plasticy.
7) Less mod community love.

1) Slightly more responsive in the main UI. Possibly due to faster CPU.
2) Slightly superior camera, and superior camera software.
3) Display colors are vibrant in indoor lighting conditions.
4) More RAM could help performance in future apps.

I probably come across biased toward the Moto Droid... and I am, since I just purchased one recently. That said, I spent a lot of time deciding between the Moto Droid vs HTC Incredible, and feel good about my decision. I have had a blast with my Droid... and having used it for a little bit now, I can say that the QWERTY is very useful to me, for both productivity and fun.

It depends on what features you want. I bought a Motorola Droid back in March because I wanted something with a physical keyboard. Of course two months ago there were also a lot fewer Android phones to chose from.

If I were to choose an Android phone today, I would most likely choose the Moto Droid 'cause it's still one of the very few that has a physical keyboard. I saw another Android phone with a keyboard recently (can't remember the name), but I hated it.

That's the reason is said IMO :),because many prefer physical keyboards and one of the drawbacks of Incredible is that it doesn't have one
BTW,Samsung i9000 Galaxy S will be released soon,which will be one of the the best Android headsets,featuring an impressive Super AMOLED screen
Here is a review of it
Yeah, the 800 X 480 res, large screen phones are interesting. Samsung i9000 Galaxy S, HTC Evo4G, Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10, and the Dell Streak\Mini5 (they can call it a tablet all they want, its a big screen phone, like the Evo).

- I like the Samsung's Hummingbird processor vs Snapdragon in the others, the screen is amazing, and it has good video... not the best still pictures, and no keyboard, but its still my favorite out of the big screen phones. They did a good job with the overlay too!
You've got probably three contenders.
HTC Incredible, Nexus One, and HTC Evo 4G.
I love my Nexus One, the Incredible is a Nexus One on Verizon, and the Evo 4G is awesome but stuck on Sprint which kind of sucks.
If you wait, the HTC Scorpion (1.5 ghz processor) is the next big thing on the rumor circuits. It'll probably be out by the end of summer and will be the new king.
It's all between the Motorola Milestone and HTC Incredible, and in my opinion, the HTC takes the cake. HTC has better processing power, camera, and smaller design make it superior. The keyboard isn't worth *** on the motorola because it's just a flat surface, no differentiating between keys.

Also, the service makes the phone just as much as the hardware, and it helps when you actually have service :)
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