S Saberen Estimable Jun 5, 2014 48 0 4,580 Feb 21, 2015 #1 I'm looking for a good laptop that i can use for LAN parties and school work. Preferably not very flashy. I am only willing to pay in the $1000-$1200 canadian $. Can anyone recommend one?
I'm looking for a good laptop that i can use for LAN parties and school work. Preferably not very flashy. I am only willing to pay in the $1000-$1200 canadian $. Can anyone recommend one?
Solution darkbreeze Feb 21, 2015 This is probably the best unit available in the 1200-ish range, in your market. http/www.amazon.ca/X550JK-DH71-2-5-8GB-1TB-W8-1/dp/B00NGK7GHG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424502739&sr=8-1&keywords=ASUS+X550JK-DH71 I'd say it's well worth the 84 CAD above your stated budget if you can swing it.
This is probably the best unit available in the 1200-ish range, in your market. http/www.amazon.ca/X550JK-DH71-2-5-8GB-1TB-W8-1/dp/B00NGK7GHG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424502739&sr=8-1&keywords=ASUS+X550JK-DH71 I'd say it's well worth the 84 CAD above your stated budget if you can swing it.
rockie_ Estimable Sep 20, 2014 329 0 5,910 Feb 21, 2015 #2 http/www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834317538&cm_re=860m-_-34-317-538-_-Product http/www.ncix.com/detail/msi-ge60-apache-pro-i7-dd-96309-1482.htm http/www.ncix.com/detail/asus-rog-g551jm-intel-core-de-102952-1482.htm Upvote 0 Downvote
http/www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834317538&cm_re=860m-_-34-317-538-_-Product http/www.ncix.com/detail/msi-ge60-apache-pro-i7-dd-96309-1482.htm http/www.ncix.com/detail/asus-rog-g551jm-intel-core-de-102952-1482.htm
darkbreeze Splendid Jun 24, 2014 1,417 0 22,515 Feb 21, 2015 Solution #3 This is probably the best unit available in the 1200-ish range, in your market. http/www.amazon.ca/X550JK-DH71-2-5-8GB-1TB-W8-1/dp/B00NGK7GHG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424502739&sr=8-1&keywords=ASUS+X550JK-DH71 I'd say it's well worth the 84 CAD above your stated budget if you can swing it. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
This is probably the best unit available in the 1200-ish range, in your market. http/www.amazon.ca/X550JK-DH71-2-5-8GB-1TB-W8-1/dp/B00NGK7GHG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424502739&sr=8-1&keywords=ASUS+X550JK-DH71 I'd say it's well worth the 84 CAD above your stated budget if you can swing it.