I have never dealt with Sager and really don't know what their products are like. I know for a fact that MSI and ASUS are good solid companies but if you live in Canada those are basically your only options unless you want to play an arm and a leg for shipping prices, sales taxes, and other fee's involved. If you live in the US then you have many options available to you and if you wanted you could have a company like IBuyPower, DigitalStorm, or CyberPowerPC build a custom laptop for you. But for one that would be expensive, second unless you really are into gaming and need ultimate power and performance(just playing Runescape isn't a valid reason for this option), and third if you are looking to do any kind of 3D applications or rendering, recording, video/audio editing or anything hugely impacting your system just go with a standard Company such as MSI, or ASUS and buy one with no hassles. Also Sager is a custom PC maker as well.