I used LastPass for a while until I realized it routinely didn't save my generated passwords. The UX is ok, but buggy and crashes, and the app just isn't reliable. I won't be trusting it to handle anything of importance again.
After an incident where a generated password that (again) didn't save made me unable to reach some important files I needed, I contacted their customer support, and that's when it turned really bad. Their support is basically a channel that repeats "you may experience loss of data, as stated in our Terms of Use." Not something you want to hear from a password vault company! I've experienced some really bad customer service in my life (and some great, luckily), but the dialogue with LastPass convinced me that this is not a company I want to entrust my private passwords to.
I do realize that encrypting something without knowing 100% sure that the password was saved was careless on my part, and not something I will repeat, but then again, you use this software because it's supposed to be trustworthy. And it's just not.
I'd stay away from them. They're cheaper for a reason.