Best Smartphone Cameras 2013

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Does the iPhone 5S still use a Sapphire lens? Apple should have learned was a bad idea from the iPhone 5. Apple doesn't always learn things very well or quickly. The Sapphire lens causes nasty purple lens flair in some lighting conditions.
You guys bashing Apple have no clue. This is one case where your hate for a product blinds you. The iPhone easily has the best camera that I have ever used on a smartphone. I have had numerous Android devices (most recent the S4) and not a single one holds a candle to the IQ of the camera in the iPhone.

Granted, I have not used the HTC One so I cannot count for that, but the general trend for Android cameras is bad.
@mprospero(Mike) > but your article's title did state the word 'overall'.
And nowhere in your first two paragraphs stated the 'overall' or full-auto mode or similar.
In fact, you were even comparing Smartphone Cameras to the Point-and-Shoot. So you better be certain what topic you're getting into, because there are some really nice P&S out there. Way better than any Smartphone cameras.

By the way, the Lumia 1020 has a true 'optical' image stabilization, WHICH the iPhone5s lacks.
iPhone 5S is not bad at all (and I hate apple products), but it is only better than others mentioned here in automatic mode. So as a user friendly camera it could be best, but from what I have seen in reviews and in person the L1020, HCT One, and S4 all beat it (and roughly all in that order). I have not messed with or seen a proper review of the Sony, so I can't speak for that one.

I am very curious to see what the Lumia 920 will be able to do when it can use procam software with the Amber update... but ATT is a bit slow in making it available. My largest complaint with the L920's camera is how it has a tough time picking and sticking with a set white balance when in video mode, outside of that it can also be phenomenal if you don't mind messing with the much harder to use default camera settings.
It's a paid ad. Anyone who has ever used a Sony phone will know that their Exmor-RS sensor is simply terrible and not capable of taking a decent picture, ESPECIALLY in low-light conditions. My old Sasmung Galaxy i5800 makes better pictures with its 3.2mpixel camera.
Wow..anyone who puts iphone 5s above nokia note 3 (not s4) lets get real..even htc ones camera is better..its almost like these morons writing these reviews are trying so hard to keep apple afloat!! Unfortunatly they r a sinking ship!..even if it did have a top 5 camera (which it doesnt) u need a magnifying glass to see what u shot on that tiny ass screen!! Cant wait to get the BEST phone out there...yup the NOTE 3
No optical image stabilisation makes the iphone 5s instantly an inferior smartphone camera to me. I already have cameras that can take good shots in ideal conditions, the next one has to work well in the dimly lit indoor conditions, and compensate often for taking the photo at speed.

So far its looking like the Lumia 1020 is the one, although 64gb storage is needed (I really wish they would release one with a microSD card!)
I'm really worried for tomshardware if this is the future of honest reviews...from hardware engineer of 20 years! Common sense has left the building!
I'm really worried for tomshardware if this is the future of honest reviews...from hardware engineer of 20 years! Common sense has left the building!
Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life here 😀
How did the iPhone 5s earn "Best Smartphone Camera Overall" compared to either the Sammy or the HTC One ?If the HTC One had a 6MP Sensor it would have truly been the "Best Overall, by far".It is (was?) the smallest 1080P Phone which makes it the "Camera you have with you" -- that also helps a lot when compared to the "Camera you have at home" for actually taking Pictures.I have a few different Camera Apps which allows me to chose the Camera features I want for the Shot I will take.The HTC One works in total darkness (absolutely no light) when you turn on the Flash or Video Light and takes well colored Photos and Videos (up to 5 feet).The HTC One has a lower aperture than the iPhone 5s, hardware and software image stabilization along with HDR, Panorama, slow-motion videos and Burst mode. I've owned mine for nearly a year and have received 6 Android Updates.You did not even mention that the Sony works well at the Beach or in dusty environments. You could have read up more before writing this Article, even better would be if you owned a dozen Phones or worked at a Store that would lend you them to test.Ask at a Store that sells many Brands of Phones which one the Salesperson has and which they recommend and you will know what was the best prior to MWC. Despite being available to a very few at the end of 2012 and being 'released' in 2013 the HTC One WAS the "Best Smartphone Camera Overall" in January of 2014, it is not as though they are no longer being sold AND they do have newer models that are '2014' (with minor improvements).I would not trade in my HTC One but I do admit that Nokia's newest 4 microphone Android sounds interesting. I expect I will not be getting a new Phone until 64-Bit is essential, and that will not be next year.
Never again am I going to ready any article here on tom's guide. If you want to write your opinion - go ahead, but tell everyone that it's a private opinion article. When you are posting your fanboy issues/paid ads it as a "test" - it's just sad. If this rank wasn't biased and full of bs, it would be 1. Nokia 1020 2. Sony Z1 3. Samsung Note3. iP5S is somewhere in the middle between S4 and HTC One.
Never again am I going to ready any article here on tom's guide. If you want to write your opinion - go ahead, but tell everyone that it's a private opinion article. When you are posting your fanboy issues/paid ads it as a "test" - it's just sad. If this rank wasn't biased and full of bs, it would be 1. Nokia 1020 2. Sony Z1 3. Samsung Note3. iP5S is somewhere in the middle between S4 and HTC One.
I come to TH less and less these days. It was such a good site years back. Now it has become a propaganda launching pad. I will admit that I like and respect Mr Cook, but the iPhone 5S is, well, crap. Its camera ok, but certainly not a top phone Camera.
Ha this is paid advertisement trash.

iPhone 5s best overall? LOL, not even close. HTC one easily beats this and that is not even the best overall.
Samsung Note 3 best phablet? LOL How bout the Lumia 1520?
Samsung Galaxy 5? seriously, galaxy cameras are trash I've owned the last 2 models.
"Best Smartphone Camera Overall" (-->always going to be a controversial title)

should (of course) read

"Best camera, in ease and speed of use terms, the average user can rely on most frequently to take a great shot in all kinds of conditions" --> i.e. not necessarily the best camera in each shot circumstance !!

For most folks I can understand Mike's choice of title. However, Tom's community is a bit different.

The advanced manual features available in other cameras e.g. Lumia 1020 can, and should, give better photos but the user does needs to engage more with the settings (something Tom's folk are good at).

I recently took some photos with my Canon 7D (18Mp DSLR) in Bali. Our tour guide took identical views with his 5S. Guess what? - and this should be of no surprise - the preview photo on the Apple screen 'looked' significantly better than the 'preview' on the 7D's screen. Apart from screen differences, the Apple will pre-process(!) its jpeg to introduce 'attractive' features such as greater sharpness and added colour vibrancy than the originally captured image. Practically all camera phone manufacturers do this and I can understand why. However, processing the raw file from the 7D clearly brought out that camera's significant superiority in every aspect.

--> providing you know what you are doing with superior architecture (Lumia) - and this might introduce a delay in taking the shot - the better architecture will always win.

Samsung just came out with a new camera-phone. Yes, not a phone with a camera, but a camera with a phone function. Say goodbye to point and shoots!
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