Best Virus Protection plan for PC

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Sep 13, 2017
Right. Finally got my gaming PC put together and installed everything I needed for it to operate. Now, I need to know what would be the good virus protection plan for my PC because I really do not want to get a virus on my PC because of the amount of money I spent on it. Obviously, no one would, but still.
Protect what you value with an EXTERNAL backup plan.

Most viruses get into the pc via social engineering.

Stay away from porn sites, do not open unfamiliar emails, do not click on anything within an email... and so on.

A simple antivirus program like windows security essentials will catch many previously encountered viruses. It is OK if you are careful.
Programs that catch in the wild viruses are more overhead and even then not foolproof.

An occasional run of malwarebytes will catch some malware that is annoying, but not necessarily dangerous.


I can't man. When i'm at work I use my right hand control my mouse, but when I'm at home I use my left hand control my mouse.
According to my level of understanding, 360 complete security software will be the best solution for providing an extremely high-security layer of protection. I am in search of that kind of antivirus program.
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