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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:44:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lenard Roach <lenardroach(at-no-spam)yahoo.com>
Subject: Big But Sad Annoucement ...
I recently had a sad conversation with Jon Searle recently. Now that he is out
of the Commodore business he has a lot of stock to get rid of. Jon has told me
that if anyone can stop by before Saturday, May 28th, with empty boxes in hand,
Jon will literally GIVE his stuff away. If all of his stock does not go to
people who want it, he will end up CURBING the entire inventory by May 28th.
If anyone can, please stop by and get his stuff. We at the Roach home cannot
find any storage space for such a large inventory. His collection covers
almost his whole basement and half of his garage. If you cannot get to his
place by then, and I know some who will get this email cannot, then please
either email Jon a t fuzzybrain(at-no-spam)wwr.net or call him at 816 229 6576.
Calling would give you a better bet since Jon does have an answer machine and
his email capabilities are a little iffy.
It's sad to see this era of Commodore here in the KC area disappear, but I
understand Jon's position in this and I pray someone can take it up and keep
Commodore sales going in this area.
Jesus Peace,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 21:44:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lenard Roach <lenardroach(at-no-spam)yahoo.com>
Subject: Big But Sad Annoucement ...
I recently had a sad conversation with Jon Searle recently. Now that he is out
of the Commodore business he has a lot of stock to get rid of. Jon has told me
that if anyone can stop by before Saturday, May 28th, with empty boxes in hand,
Jon will literally GIVE his stuff away. If all of his stock does not go to
people who want it, he will end up CURBING the entire inventory by May 28th.
If anyone can, please stop by and get his stuff. We at the Roach home cannot
find any storage space for such a large inventory. His collection covers
almost his whole basement and half of his garage. If you cannot get to his
place by then, and I know some who will get this email cannot, then please
either email Jon a t fuzzybrain(at-no-spam)wwr.net or call him at 816 229 6576.
Calling would give you a better bet since Jon does have an answer machine and
his email capabilities are a little iffy.
It's sad to see this era of Commodore here in the KC area disappear, but I
understand Jon's position in this and I pray someone can take it up and keep
Commodore sales going in this area.
Jesus Peace,