[citation][nom]salmonella[/nom]If apples products are so easy to use, why does it take a genius to fix them?[/citation]
Because believe it or not, they're not made by Fischer Price.
Why would microsoft need it's own store, they only sell like two pieces of hardware and a buttload of software. Where I live, there are no msft stores and no genuine apple stores, just retailers.
[citation][nom]nevertell[/nom]Why would microsoft need it's own store, they only sell like two pieces of hardware and a buttload of software. Where I live, there are no msft stores and no genuine apple stores, just retailers.[/citation]
I'm with you, I have no idea why Microsoft would have their own store, or why anyone would want it.
I can go to the local dump and find roughly the same quality of items sold by Microsoft, and it's cheaper there.
[citation][nom]-Evangelion-[/nom]Jailbreak all the iDevices in the store![/citation]
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
[citation][nom]someguynamedmatt[/nom]Hmm... good time for Microsoft to put the 'World's biggest Microsoft store' right beside it. [/citation]
Wouldn't work. Microsoft wouldn't sell anything, because the checkout computers probably run Windows, they'd be blue-screening and bogged down with viruses all day!
[citation][nom]Lewis57[/nom]N'awww crap why did they have to come here, as if we didn't have enough appletards.[/citation]
Probably to balance out the confused and inept Wintards, of which there are WAY too many on here.
I give Apple props for not destroying a heritage building, but then again...it probably would've been better off destroyed than house a disease known as Apple.