Black Screen of death


Sep 23, 2012
I have a iRulu tablet that I am trying to fix for a friend. The tablet will turn on to the iRulu logo, but after that it just goes black.

After awhile I figured out how to get it to reset (thanks to youtube). The tablet will turn on to the iRulu logo, after that it will show the android guy laying down, after a few minutes the tablet goes back to the black screen.

There was no menu, it just goes straight from the iRulu logo to the android guy laying down.

Is there any hope? am I doing something wrong?
Hard to tell, tech support never was my forte as far as tablets were concerned, especially where more obscure brands and models are involved. While I grew quite adept at fixing pretty much any computer problems I ever came across, I never developped those skills for my tablet-related issues 😛

A dead\faulty battery might be involved. Overheating, even if a few seconds I saw it happen a few times with cheap models. Maybe simply busted hardware. I'd say try to format\reinstall android but I'm guessing you won't even be able to get to that point since it keeps resetting.

Have you tried booting it with the wall outlet plugged in just to rule out that it's not the battery dying every time on boot ? It's much to go on but if you can't even get it to boot you might have to tell your friend to buy another tablet.

Hopefully another user with more tablet disassembling experience than me can come up with something better.