Bloodborne Review — The Most Dangerous Game

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This game is costing 60$ , my niece is still playing XBOX 360.. I will have to heighten my budget , but anyways writer worked harder in making people understand this particular Game.. Bravo
Been playing since Demon souls on PS3. I enjoyed the slow pace, which meant you had to take the environment in and learn from it. The art direction here looks great, with an atmosphere that I could fall in love with. I'm a bit worried the hectic frantic rush rush might dissuade my purchase. Thanks for the in depth article!
@DecafTable - I wouldn't worry too much about the faster pace of combat. If you liked the previous games, Bloodborne's combat has way more similarities than differences. I actually enjoyed the chance to regain health on-the-fly, although boss fights can get a little button-mash-y.

The bottom line is that I loved Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls II, and Bloodborne definitely felt true to them. I imagine you'll like it as well, especially the exploration and the environments.
This is the best Bloodborne review I've read so far, even better than the Forbes one. Your analogy about the weeds is so spot on and appropriate, and kudos for picking up the boring loading screen issue. Bloodborne doesn't look as good as the first 2 souls games, for the following reasons - 1) health looks too easy to come by, 2) enemy groups can be nerf killed by shooting and luring one enemy at a time making a lot of the game too easy, 3) movement speed has been nerfed and instead of multiple speeds based on weight youre just stuck with one. These are three pretty major design issues I feel, but I could be wrong about how they affect the overalll experience as I havent played through the game yet.
Silvaring, your wrong on all counts. Play the game before critiquing how it plays. 1) blood vials are not always easy to come by. You can have 20 of them, each filling 25% of you bar. But when you are out exploring through a level, they get used up quickly as you make mistakes, get into trouble. Many enemies can kill you in a few hits, and their AI andmob tactics are strong. You will die, you will run out of blood vials when you are far from safety and bloodborne is as lethal as the souls games. 2) some groups early in the game can be lured, but it's more complex than that. Groups patrol. Some enemy hunt you down. Then there is other players to deal with. You can be luring one enemy at a time, only to have eight guys come up behind you and pinch you between two groups or get you trapped in a bind. 3) there is no encumberance, you move quickly. Movement not nerfed. The clothing and weapons you are using are all roughly similar. It's not the kind of game where you customize a big heavy or quick light character.

Bloodborne is an excellent game. I've played all of the souls series. This one is worthy with new twists. If you enjoy the previous games, you'll enjoy this one too.
Thanks for clarifying that Nate, I realized a few days after posting that I was wrong about the vials, this was an early post on the game and I didn't read enough impressions to get a full overview. I still think they nerfed movement speed though, it adds a beautiful element to the game when you can move at different speeds depending on your strategic decisions, and I don't like the one size fits all approach they've taken. Thanks for clarifying the A.I tactics.... sounds delightful :)

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