S Sjlage Estimable Mar 1, 2014 1 0 4,510 Mar 1, 2014 #1 Can I make my Samsung smart tv become Bluetooth capable? I want to listen to tv in another room using wireless speakers. Samsung says it cannot be done because it doesn't have sound share. Help!
Can I make my Samsung smart tv become Bluetooth capable? I want to listen to tv in another room using wireless speakers. Samsung says it cannot be done because it doesn't have sound share. Help!
Solution A A americanaudiophile Mar 3, 2014 If your TV has optical audio out you can get one of these: http/www.telme2.com/webshop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product
If your TV has optical audio out you can get one of these: http/www.telme2.com/webshop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product
getochkn Splendid Moderator Jul 2, 2006 1,621 0 21,960 Mar 1, 2014 #2 Well they do make bluetooth transmitters and recievers. If you TV has RCA out, then you plug that into a bluetooth transmitter. Upvote 0 Downvote
Well they do make bluetooth transmitters and recievers. If you TV has RCA out, then you plug that into a bluetooth transmitter.
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 14,933 147 103,240 Mar 3, 2014 Solution #3 If your TV has optical audio out you can get one of these: http/www.telme2.com/webshop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
If your TV has optical audio out you can get one of these: http/www.telme2.com/webshop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product