Bought ASUS computer in June 2016, model was discontinued by August 2016...

Aug 15, 2018
My computer is an ASUS, Model "Q504UA," Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.40GHz, with 12GB RAM (11.9 GB Usable), on a 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor, running Windows 10 Home.

I bought this computer in June of 2016 for just over $1,200 total with a 3 year warranty, but by August 2016 it was already discontinued by the manufacturer, no longer sold by the store and no longer returnable to the store for refund or exchange, and by September 2016 it was already slow as hell and basically junk.

Honestly, this machine has to be one of the worst I've ever owned, as it just does whatever it wants, downloads updates without my consent, even if they're full of bugs or viruses, changes settings whenever it wants, and lately (since May 2018) it has been uninstalling some of my programs and reinstalling bloatware while it's in "sleep mode." The sound in the speakers echoes, and will go in and out like a child is messing with the fade settings, and it takes forever to load videos or podcasts unless you just stick it out through hundreds of "loading" interruptions throughout playback. I have to hold down the fn key for several minutes to use my fn key "special functions" such as, oh!, THE VOLUME?!, and even though my onedrive is linked, the system won't let me use screenshots that automatically save to my onedrive to help me take notes for school anymore! It isn't even an option to select in the one-drive settings! AND I HAVE SAVED SCREENSHOTS TO MY ONEDRIVE BEFORE! It just suddenly stopped letting me since this last year!

I have had to uninstall and reinstall Windows 10 updates AT LEAST a dozen times since I bought this damn thing, and the troubleshooter no longer identifies problems or offers solutions to fix them anymore, since it will just state "Troubleshooter could not identify the problem" and tell me to look online instead!!!

I use Firefox as my main browser, but when I only have a single tab open, my task manager says that I have 7 firefox programs in use, EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL, and usually shows 1,200MB of usage every time I open the program, even when I'm not doing anything, even after clearing the cache, history, cookies, active logins, browsing and search history, and everything else! It's absolutely insane!

So I tried using Microsoft Edge, and it showed the same thing in my task manager, 1,100+MB over 6-7 listed processes of usage with just a single tab open! WHAT THE HELL??

This computer just randomly disconnects my wifi whenever it wants, and I have to restart the whole thing just to get it to go back! This is a real pain in my ass when I'm in the middle of class, in the middle of a TIMED TEST THAT I CANNOT RETURN TO AFTER LEAVING, or when I'm writing in a class discussion forum and I get logged out and lose everything I've written!

I have Malwarebytes installed, and I have run several in-depth scans which all came back negative for threats of ANY KIND, so I'm 99% sure there's no viruses!?

This year, my task manager has stopped showing icons next to processes, and instead just shows an empty box window, so it's harder to identify programs and what they're for, and it's been showing MULTIPLE processes labeled "Runtime Broker" without listing an "end program" option or a way to look up the details or the service they are connected to.

I have been told to disable the program "Superfetch" and I tried that, but it just made everything worse so I put it back to the default settings, and I've tried disabling Windows updates but that also made everything worse...

I play Counter Strike: Global Operations (CS:GO) on the "STEAM" platform which I have downloaded onto this computer, and when I play it, the program is a bit laggy and freezes sometimes, but overall gameplay is just fine!?! So what the hell is wrong with my system???

I have NO MONEY for a new computer, but I am about to throw this one into the street with how angry it makes me!
I have a question after reading your grievances, and do not take this the wrong, way, but where did you acquire your windows 10 copy, I am not judging, but I hear horror stories about people and their windows 10 all the times, and almost all the times, all the symptoms you speak off turn out to have been cause because the user , downloaded a pirated copy of windows 10 or one of those " windows activators" that turns out either or both contain malicious coding that basically makes the machine go wonky in due times.
of course if this doesn't apply to you, because you got a proper usb licensed product or downloaded a copy from MS web site directly, then if I offended you I apologize.
if it wasn't the case as mentioned above mentioned...
I have a question after reading your grievances, and do not take this the wrong, way, but where did you acquire your windows 10 copy, I am not judging, but I hear horror stories about people and their windows 10 all the times, and almost all the times, all the symptoms you speak off turn out to have been cause because the user , downloaded a pirated copy of windows 10 or one of those " windows activators" that turns out either or both contain malicious coding that basically makes the machine go wonky in due times.
of course if this doesn't apply to you, because you got a proper usb licensed product or downloaded a copy from MS web site directly, then if I offended you I apologize.
if it wasn't the case as mentioned above mentioned applies to you , then all your issues could be related to your motherboard being flaky, and even if the product is discontinued, your 3 years warranty still applies by the manufacturer, call them get an RMA, ship it back and get either yours back repairs or a refurbished one.