Bought new 4K 43UF6400 LG on 10/29/15. Turned power on, big white screen and now it's cracked in upper right corner. I'm tech


Apr 19, 2016
I've had a go around with local tv repair shop and LG. I even filed a complaint with BBB because I didn't do anything to break it - just turned it on and a big white screen flashed and now it's cracked. No one seems to believe me, but If I could swear on the Holy Bible - that's really WHAT happened. I'm tech savvy, I work as a tier 2 tech and I'm Hp certified. Never tried to repair a tv. I understand the glass is broken. Anyone know if it's fixable? Right now it's worthless. Should I try to repair it myself?
unlikely that it is fixable as typically the cracks cause issues with the underlying layers. I think you are pretty much out of luck as most warranties do not cover "abuse" regardless of what it was doing at the time of the failure.... :-( Not to belabor things but when was the last time it was moved, is it wall hung or sitting on a base? It is likely that some sort of "bezel issue" occurred at some point and the resulting failure happened "after the fact". Having said that, I have seen discussions in some forum for some sets (not sure of the make) where cracks / failures of the panel have occurred "randomly" and I do believe the manufacturer has covered the panels as part of a "recall".

Here is an example of a samsung problem that one person is "fighting". It might give you some ideas as to your options (not many but you never know).

-- Thanks for the response, it was sitting on a stand and we never touched it. The night before it worked perfectly. The next day I woke up, turned it on with a remote control and the white picture thing happened along with the crack. LG says they won't cover it. I guess I'm out $588.00 🙁

Just wondering how LG is handling their warranty issues. If they do nothing then I will be hesitant to choose an LG next time around. Doubt I would have anyways. I'm a Sony, Panasonic, Phillips fan now that Sharp is no longer. I avoid Samsung and LG like the plague. Good luck fighting with LG.

Yea i took it to a tv repair place 20 minutes from me and they said that LG won't cover it because it's "physically" damaged. The guy that was working had a Samsung shirt on and I said, "Should I have purchased Samsung instead?" His reply was NO - they aren't any better. LOL