Buying a new laptop. Need Advice


Feb 27, 2012
I'm looking at the Dell XPS 13 L321x ultrabook, I can get it as left over stock from dell for €775.
Intel Core i7 2637M, (sandy bridge)
256GB SSD,
4GB Ram
Windows 7 Home premium

I'm not going to be gaming, I have a gaming computer. I'm going to be browsing the web, microsoft office, Programming, small video editing will render on desktop.

I would like to know if I buy it know will I need to replace it sooner, and would it be cheaper in the long run just to get a Haswell XPS 13 (about €500 more) or will this keep going for a good while?

If you are purely using this for browsing web and etc, I recommend that you do not buy a laptop.

I had the same dilemma, I wanted to browse the web whilst sitting on the toilet/bath etc. I bought a tablet insetad and never regretted it since.

With tablets you get:
Much much much more battery life.
Chargeable via USB/microUSB (for some models) so no need for bulky adapters.
Access to APPS
Much more mobile and easier to hold and much more compact

However if you ened some processing power (not much but some light processing power), then go with a budget i3/i5 laptop. Youll get all the power you want under 500euro. Heck theres some being sold brand enw for 400EUR, this should last you some 2 years before its fully depreciated. By then there would be much newer/more mobile tech anyway.

If I had a nickel. 😛

That's actually not a bad suggestion though. If you really want the bigger screen and performance, the XPS will deliver with that i7 and SSD (you might need Windows OS for your programming as well; not sure how Android would treat you in regards to it).

Although Sandy Bridge is now two generations behind, it's still an i7 and still plenty capable.