Buying a used Iphone for pay as you go?

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Sep 4, 2010
Okay so I know this question has been answered several times, but the answer always varies based on the date of the article being written.

My dad wants an iphone without data and doesn't need a big plan. He just likes the use of the appstore over wifi etc. I want to pick up a phone on craigslist, but need a little more information before searching. Here are my questions:

1. What generations of iphone have been known to work with pay as you go?

2. What carriers will work as pay as you go? If I buy a verizon Iphone and try to use it with at&t pay as you go it won't work right?

3. Are there any other combination of carrier iphones and plans that will not work? I assume I will have to flash/unlock the phone regardless and I am sure there should be numerous tutorials online.

I think I will end up using AT&t pay as you go with the iphone, but if someone has a better idea of what to use I would be happy to use that. Thanks.
1.) Any iPhone can be used on a pay as you go plan.

2.) Just about every carrier these days offers pay as you go, visit the company website or store you plan on using for more information about it.

3.) As far as I know as long as the Phones jailbroken/unlocked just about any combo of carrier and plan will work together.

Im from canada we don't have at&t , but i dont see why not.
Don't know if you are all set by now. I just bought an unlocked iPhone 4S to use with T-Mobile Pay-As-You-Plan over Wi-Fi. Works great without a data plan. T-Mobile is the least expensive no contract carrier at 10 cents a min, most others are 20 cents a min. We buy 1015 min for $100 but we only spend $300 a year to run two phones. If you are on the phone a lot, pat as you go will be very expensive.

The unlocked iPhone price just went down to $375 from Apple. You may find one cheaper on eBay and get it unlocked.

Good luck
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