Hi, I am new to this website so I apologise if I have posted in the wrong thread. I currently have a very old and low budget $500 laptop that has a removable battery. I am in the market for a gaming laptop that'd satisfy my needs during college. On my current laptop, whenever I want to play a game (not demanding games such as CS:GO), I have noticed that taking the battery out and having the pc directly connected to the power has the best results in FPS compared to having it plugged in with a battery or with a battery and not charged in. Unfortunately, most gaming laptops these days don't have a removable battery so my question is, is there any software out there that'll enable me to make the laptop use the power supply as the source of power instead of the battery. I have heard that this is possible when the battery is at 100%, then the pc/other devices such as phones use the power supply directly, but can I do this even if the battery isn't at 100%? Thanks for ur time.