can i play 1080 movies on my 1080 tv using just a usb and portable hard drive??

1.8GB is tiny for an mkv file. A perfect copy is around 20GB. So it is compressed. Up to 1080p cables are irrelevant, but as stated usb cables move data around, hdmi cables move images around. So from a USB drive you must use a USB cable.
Question from Daniel_425 : "can i play 1080 movies on my 1080 tv using just a usb and portable hard drive?"

Question from Daniel_425 : "Playing 1080 movies with usb cable?"

Question from Daniel_425 : "Playing 1080 movies with usb cable?"


seriously its impossible to get a straight answere on these stupid forums...
read the question again...

Do USB cables downgrade the quality of a 1080p dvd movie from a portable hard drive to a HD 1080p HD TV? The movies are about 1.4 Gb 1080p in mkv and numerous other files... But the question is, should i actually be using a HDMI cable for this to get the real 1080 quality???

Good help is hard to find... on the internet

i didnt realize it would be merged into one page. Besides they all say the same thing anway... not sure what your problem is. Cant you answere a simple question?

USB and HDMI are completely independent. USB would be a data cable to a render engine in the TV chassis. An HDMI cable would be video rendered on another device and displayed on the TV. Those are COMPLETELY different data flows.

Your hostile attitude in this thread and the multiple spam posts are both against the basic rules of conduct on this board.

...... so is it a yes or no? lol the portbale hard drive play movies in 1080 if i use a hdmi cable lololol
F it ill just buy one
<edited by moderator for language>
Your question does not have a yes or no answer. USB cables don't care what kind of data is passing through them. It depends on the player software in the TV. Which is exactly what I said in my first post. Data cables transfer data. They don't care if it is a video or a word file. If a usb cable impacted the quality of video it would also mess up excel files.

Daniel_425 .....You need to tone down your attitude in the forum. Members here donate their time to help others , and the manner in which you post won't draw favorable responses. Please be respectful and it will be reciprocated .
Daniel, just assume your TV have build in media player. It was able to play certain format of movie you had. But after time passes, the standard movie format was changed but your media player in your TV were not upgraded, therefor it no longer able to play newer movie format. It will play the old format of movies, but not the new one (regardless the movie itself is new or old).

This is why there is no absolute answer as yes or no in your case. My lcd from year 2004 might play old movie format, but will not play newer movie format. Most of the time, movie format was totally upgraded into new format as normally new format will take much less space with similar or slight degraded quality.

1.8GB is tiny for an mkv file. A perfect copy is around 20GB. So it is compressed. Up to 1080p cables are irrelevant, but as stated usb cables move data around, hdmi cables move images around. So from a USB drive you must use a USB cable.