Can i put HDD in this Laptop?


Feb 14, 2016
So i've decided. Instead of getting a £700 PC for my birthday + christmas, i'' now getting an Xbox One S for christmas and a laptop for my birthday (A PC that expensive i've decided should be purchased when im older, incase i build it wrong, cause im 13 init)
I'm looking at a laptop that all i'll literally be doing is watching Youtube, playing spotify, and maybe games that require low spec (indie games lmao)
Im looking at this laptop -!700000001428950!105916003459!!!g!!PRODUCT+GROUP&device=m&ds_kids=92700014658620903&PLA=1&gclid=CJeV_Zja8c8CFdVAGwodI1EM3g&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CO2ipZna8c8CFQ2g7QodXcAK9g

Yeah, it says its got a 32GB eMMc, could i put a laptop HDD in that laptop when i get it, or is that locked to the sh*t "ssd" (probs more like sd card haha) ??
Also, will this laptop be able to run minecraft? Thankssss in advance!
Sorry but no, the E403 has all soldered down onto the motherboard, RAM and Storage are not upgradeable.
I doubt it could run minecraft fluenty. I can run at 30-40 in low using an i5 and intel hd 4000.

Sorry but no, the E403 has all soldered down onto the motherboard, RAM and Storage are not upgradeable.
I doubt it could run minecraft fluenty. I can run at 30-40 in low using an i5 and intel hd 4000.

32GB is also problematic as W10 will apply updates and likely run out of space.

There is absolutely no space to start installing any large program. My dad's W10 laptop has a 60GB SSD but he installed almost nothing but the updates brought it to 36GB.

(and major Windows updates create a backup Image as well which can be very large... I really don't know how they compensate for such a small amount of storage)