Solved! Will any of these laptops be able to run minecraft efficiently?

Jul 27, 2019
I want a laptop for college work and minecraft so I’ve but found 2 options, but will they be able to run minecraft without lag and with good resolution so it’s clear?

The acer aspire 5: (PLA)+Windows+Laptops+and+Convertibles+-+Adaptive~1011+(PLA)+Windows+Laptops+And+Convertibles+ad+group~Exact&mctag=gg_goog_7904&kwid=GOOGLE&device=m&ds_kids=92700044602998745&tgtid=1011+(PLA)+Windows+Laptops+and+Convertibles+-+Adaptive&gclsrc=aw.ds&&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIht2nkqbV4wIVC7DtCh059gY7EAQYASABEgJOSfD_BwE

The acer swift 3:

There’s also this one:

Which one do u recommend I buy?

thanks, and sorry if this thread is in the wrong place
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Hi Jess, both of the laptops are good in general for a Mid-Range Acer laptop series.

If you're willing to search a laptop that capable of doing college work & soft gaming like Minecraft, i think all of your choice are meet the requirement. Just picks what's better price to choose.

For examples : Intel i3 processors mainly used for a home entertainment, i5 processors used for making content and task creating, and for i7 are commonly used for rendering and gaming.

But, if you need it mostly to make any college project. I suggest a lightweight laptop with an "U" serial code (known as ultra battery saving) for a proper mobile experiences and a battery saving device that comes in handy.

I'm sorry if i do any mistake or typo, this is my...
Hi Jess, both of the laptops are good in general for a Mid-Range Acer laptop series.

If you're willing to search a laptop that capable of doing college work & soft gaming like Minecraft, i think all of your choice are meet the requirement. Just picks what's better price to choose.

For examples : Intel i3 processors mainly used for a home entertainment, i5 processors used for making content and task creating, and for i7 are commonly used for rendering and gaming.

But, if you need it mostly to make any college project. I suggest a lightweight laptop with an "U" serial code (known as ultra battery saving) for a proper mobile experiences and a battery saving device that comes in handy.

I'm sorry if i do any mistake or typo, this is my first experience to write in this forums type QnA.