Can i reprogram a sharp tv remote to work for a lg t.v.

Program into what? Unless it's a programmable remote there's no flash in it so it's ROM only. While you could probably spend hundreds of hours reverse engineering the ROMs and remapping them to the correct buttons, then using a ROM programmer and swapping chips, it would be far less expensive to buy the right remote on eBay or a universal remote.

FWIW LG TVs share exactly one Universal remote code with Sharp models so if you were lucky it would already work:
LG (GOLDSTAR) – 044,005,009,056,057,155,156,172
SHARP – 004,009,079,095,111,112,114,122,123,124,173
Program into what? Unless it's a programmable remote there's no flash in it so it's ROM only. While you could probably spend hundreds of hours reverse engineering the ROMs and remapping them to the correct buttons, then using a ROM programmer and swapping chips, it would be far less expensive to buy the right remote on eBay or a universal remote.

FWIW LG TVs share exactly one Universal remote code with Sharp models so if you were lucky it would already work:
LG (GOLDSTAR) – 044,005,009,056,057,155,156,172
SHARP – 004,009,079,095,111,112,114,122,123,124,173