Solved! Charging problems..


May 19, 2011
I bought a replacement battery for my Dell laptop which seemed fine at first, but when I tried to charge the battery the Dell charger doesn't seem to work. I'm wondering if the battery and charger are not compatible. The battery was working fine, but now that the charge is gone my computer won't even turn on when it's plugged in.

Pull the battery out. with the power disconnected and battery out, hold the power button down a few secs (to discharge any caps holding a charge in the power circuit)
connect the adapter. (do not put the battery in.) look for a light indicating the unit sees the power supply- if not, check all your connections, use a different wall plug, etc. if still no go , then you have other problems.

Pull the battery out. with the power disconnected and battery out, hold the power button down a few secs (to discharge any caps holding a charge in the power circuit)
connect the adapter. (do not put the battery in.) look for a light indicating the unit sees the power supply- if not, check all your connections, use a different wall plug, etc. if still no go , then you have other problems.
also, be sure it is an actual DELL power supply. most of the after-market ones will run a unit but not charge the battery.