Cheap Csgo laptop

There are no new $200 - $250 laptops that will be able to get 40+ FPS in CSGO on the lowest settings. You will need to find a used laptop.

I recommend the following HP laptop on ebay for $215; there is only 1 left for sale. It has a 5th generation Core i5-5200u and the Intel HD 5500 graphics core.

Click following link for some game benchmarks of the Intel HD 5500; CSGO is included. Games will have multiple benchmark results because each FPS result is from a specific laptop model. Click the FPS result to see the laptop's specs...


Jan 16, 2014
not gonna find much of anything in the new department. try looking on ebay or craigslist for something in your budget. also check out local computer stores that take used laptops and fix them up and resell them for a lot less than what they cost new.
And as for what to look for you can just look up CS:GO system requirements and go from there.
I'd say for a laptop with integrated graphics try looking for an i3 system.
There are no new $200 - $250 laptops that will be able to get 40+ FPS in CSGO on the lowest settings. You will need to find a used laptop.

I recommend the following HP laptop on ebay for $215; there is only 1 left for sale. It has a 5th generation Core i5-5200u and the Intel HD 5500 graphics core.

Click following link for some game benchmarks of the Intel HD 5500; CSGO is included. Games will have multiple benchmark results because each FPS result is from a specific laptop model. Click the FPS result to see the laptop's specs.