I've been looking for a cheap gaming laptop for a while now, and I think I've settled on this: http/www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1104483&CatId=4965&SRCCODE=LINKSHARE&cm_mmc_o=-ddCjC1bELltzywCjC-d2CjCdwwp&AffiliateID=lw9MynSeamY-E2euhbFyZUJ3jyDGoLvamA
Before I buy it, I was wondering if anybody here had any suggestions for a gaming laptop that is better than this one, but equal to or less than the price(maybe 50$ more, max. I'm on a budget). Any help would be great, thanks
edit: I should add that used/refurbished is fine
Before I buy it, I was wondering if anybody here had any suggestions for a gaming laptop that is better than this one, but equal to or less than the price(maybe 50$ more, max. I'm on a budget). Any help would be great, thanks
edit: I should add that used/refurbished is fine