A abuhashieh Mar 13, 2018 1 0 10 Mar 13, 2018 #1 I have a problem with qsc RMX2450 amp. It gives me clip light on ch two always
Solution J J jay32267 Mar 13, 2018 Disconnect all input cables. If it still gives you a clip light, there is most likely a problem with the unit.
Disconnect all input cables. If it still gives you a clip light, there is most likely a problem with the unit.
J jay32267 Admirable Mar 16, 2017 526 0 6,110 Mar 13, 2018 Solution #2 Disconnect all input cables. If it still gives you a clip light, there is most likely a problem with the unit. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Disconnect all input cables. If it still gives you a clip light, there is most likely a problem with the unit.