Cops Play Wii Bowling While on Drug Bust

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I'm sick and tired of criminals thinking they can get away with a crime because an officer did something "that wasn't up to procedure". Have you guys every looked at a law enforcement procedure manual? There is no way someone would know the correct procedure for each and every little incident that could's pretty much insane. To say that because the officers played the Wii, the case should be thrown out is ridiculous! The criminals still stole goods, still had drugs, and still had illegal firearms. I don't care if the officers ate everything out of the criminals fridge (it's only polite, they didn't want it all going bad while the criminals were in jail for the next 10 years), slept in the criminals beds, and took showers at their place. The fact is that the criminals still committed a crime. The conduct of the officers does not change this one bit, and it never will. Our judicial system is so screwed up that people even think this is an option to throw out the case. "Oh, you can't convict me because some officer played my WOW character for 3 hours and I lost all my gold and got kicked out of my guild"...bullshit. You committed the crime, period. End of story. Go to jail and rot, you bastard.


Feb 14, 2009
If someone is dealing in stolen property and illegal drugs, they don't become innocent because of unprofessional conduct by the police. However, I'm surprised the officers playing with the video game could not potentially face criminal charges, since they made use of a computer system which they did not own, which they did not have authorization to use.


Nov 24, 2006
The most important thing is that the officers failed to notice that the guy's cam was on and recording. That's much more serious than playing a little Wii. Suspect could have documented a hundred different reasons to dismiss the case, or the puter could have been churning away, deleting evidence.
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