
Jan 13, 2007
Has anyone ever bought something there before? I am looking for a powerful gaming laptop, and they seem to have them but what about quality?
As far as personal experience, no. I know several people who own products from them and the experiences change with each one. A few only have good things to say and the others have nothing good to say. Also, I wouldn't classify any of their notebooks as "powerful gaming notebooks". The best GPU they offer is the X1600 which isn't that good. The X1600 and go7600 are decent, but won't provide stellar performance in any game other than maybe WOW at higher resolutions(the native res' on those laptops suck for the most part anyway).

Give me some game titles you play and tell me the screen size you are looking for so I can recommend a better solution.
Screen Size: I could really care less, the important part is that it is high resolution. 1280x1024 at least (or the widescreen equivalent, which i believe is 1280x720, for a 16:10 right?).

Games: BF2142, STALKER, Command and Conquer 3, SPORE, Civilization 4, Medieval 2, WoW (yes some WoW), Supreme Commander, Crysis, and just about anything that can come out within one year.

Note: is the cyberpower stuff weak only because of that video card? I can get one with crappy graphics and just install a new one later. 7950 GTX here I come!
OK, that helps a little. How about a price range?

BTW, Nvidia graphics in laptops are the only ones that are able to be upgraded and thats only if they use NV's MXM solution. To the best of my knowledge, Cyberpower does not use MXM in their laptops.

No, have not looked at Killer Notebooks, will do so now.

And as to price range, hell, money ain't a thang.

Translation: I have plenty of $$$$ stacked away for it. I can spend up to $5000, but really would like to stay lower just to say I came out on top.
Has anyone ever bought something there before? I am looking for a powerful gaming laptop, and they seem to have them but what about quality?

I don't know about laptop quality but my Cyberpower system was DOA on arrival with a dead motherboard. They claim a 72 hour burn-in but I don't believe it based on my experience. The repair process has been a long drawn out one, full of false promises of delivery. I finally gave up and asked for a refund. It has been 52 days since my order and I never had a working PC in my possession. They have great prices but it seems to come at the expense of product quality.
Wow, that is unreal.
I had a customer, he had an issue with the machine. Didn't like the skin, he said there was a scratch on the cover or something. I had rushed the application of the skin to get it to him for some deadline he had, but I know the machine didn't leave with a scratch.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter about the scratch. I sent him a FedEx label, the machine was returned and within an hour of getting the machine he had a refund and we went our separate ways.

Burning customers is stupid, and not refunding someone's money right away tells me that they don't have very much cash on hand. No cash on hand means no cash flow and probably cheap-o prices.

If a company has to sweat a few grand, they are not a company that can deliver on a promise of any kind of support and warranty. It is easy to say this and that about warranties and to slam companies with higher prices, but when you hear stories like this you can see that cheapest never equates to a good investment in the long run. Especially not a major purchase like a gaming computer.

Heck I wish I had ordered from you!

Hopefully this ordeal will be over soon. I sent them the rest of the items I still had in my possession (keyboard, speakers, stuff) and once they get it they'll issue a refund. Either that or I'll just dispute this whole mess with my credit card company. They are a joke and their 24/7 tech support is just an answering machine after normal business hours.

I decided to build my own and all the parts should be arriving this week. Now I can just yell at myself if I'm late on delivery.
My advise to you...
Preemptive strike.
Most credit card companies have no problems doing charge backs UP TO 60 days or so, then it starts getting a little hazy.

I am not saying CPpc is deliberately holding your money for that purpose, as you just stated you hadn't sent additional parts back to them, but it would probably be best to at least start the arduous process of disputing the CC transaction.

Hope everything turns out for you.
i honestly think some ppl lie about there cyberpower experience as mine was great no problems maybe they built a beast computer then attached a 100 wat power supply and it wont start so they talk crap or something i just think its fishy what ppl say