[citation][nom]anamaniac[/nom]I have a dangerous job.The most dangerous part of my day is going to work.At rush hour, I need to get to work, and everybody is getting home. They don't care if they see you. Wearing a reflective vest and having a light on the bike doesn't help as much as one would think.[/citation]
I agree. There are people who aknowledge and respect other road users (including cyclists), and there are people who do do not care..regardless of the visibility of one's attire. I don't really have much more to add to that, other than my general views on cycling.
Even with this device, cycling has become incredibly dangerous for me, too, which is a pity because I really like being on two wheels.
As you know the UK has many pavements (sidewalks), too, and pedestrians can also be a pain by acting like low-intelligence morons who have just been let out of an asylum and don't know what a bike looks like. So they'll react in the only way they know: make gestures and pick fights. This, along with the barrage of drivers who drive too fast, too close as well as cyclists who are equally as stupid, has forced me to reconsider whether cycling as form of transport is still viable alternative to the car. A device like this would be a blessing and a curse in so far as attraction attention, but it obviously depends where you live. Here in the UK I'd love to film the reaction of these sh*t-bags to a few lights on a wheel. You would be amazed.