Dell Studio 1555 USB upgrade?


May 6, 2015
Hey everyone, happy holidays!
I'm trying to keep this laptop running until 2020. Is it possible to upgrade the USB from a 1.0 to a 2.0 or 3.0 on a Dell Studio 1555 ?

Current components:
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @2.10GHz 2.10
4 GB Crucial DDR2 Memory
64-Bit Operating System
Windows 10
9v Battery
256GB Crucial SSD

Question from itstomcat : "Dell Studio 1555 USB upgrade?"


Hey, its all live and learn my friend. Anyways, I bought it and came with a Mini Disk CD which my laptop cant accept. The drivers did not automatically install either. Thinking I might have to upload it to a USB drive on my friends desktop and then install the drivers on my laptop that way.

I'm reading through the forums and most people found a 2nd source for a power supply, some said they used the usb from their laptop to power the USB 3.0 express card. My express card is a dual USB 3.0 but my onboard laptop is USB 1.0. Can I power the express card with the USB 1.0? Or will it not be adequate?

I wanted to connect a netgear Wi-Fi usb extender to it that requires 3.0 usb. So I bought the usb 3.0 Express Card. It did not come with a cord I just have it in the slot but it gets VERY hot with someone plugged into it like an iPhone
USB 3.0 spec allow for much more power delivery over the USB port than USB 1.1/2.0. I don't believe that iPhone supports USB 3.0, but if you just want to charge it, you better keep it connected to factory USB port.

Check that WiFi extender' power requirements. If they exceed 1A, you for sure need to use that additional power cable.

OTOH - how this extender operates, why it's USB? Does your laptop recognizes it as an USB device?

Hey so that’s part of my question. How can I power this? Just plug a usb cable into the 2nd port from my usb 1.0 jack on my laptop? What usb cable should I use? 1.0-3.0?

This is the extender I got:
Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 Wi-Fi USB Adapter (A7000-10000S)

Currently I got the usb 3.0 express card into my laptop but have to install the drivers which is pending. Otherwise right now the Express Card did not acknowledge or charge my iPhone
You power this adapter with the provided cable, plugging it into available USB port.

The "extender" you got is actually a WiFi USB adapter. But unless you have giga-bit Internet service, and fancy new router, this adapter is an overkill for your laptop, like putting Camaro engine in Corolla. USB 2.0 delivers (on theory) 480mbit/sec, so you are just adding clumsiness to your laptop - extra adapter, extra cable hanging off it, and another adapter cable plugged in (which seems to be quite heavy).

Hey, thanks for helping me out through this.
So we do have great internet here in nyc through spectrum in my apartment with fiber optic and I purchased a router a few months ago, this one to be exact:

But because I live in a Prewar building, getting WiFi on my laptop is a killer, my iPhones work fine though. I bought a netgear extender which doesn’t work at all unless I’m directly plugged into it with a Cat5 cable (which I don’t want)

I figured the Wi-Fi USB adapter would be a better option but needs USB 3.0 while I only have onboard usb 1.0 Which is old technology. Hence why I bought the USB 3.0 Express Card, the same one above mentioned by another user.

Thoughts on how I can successfully get this to work?