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Dec 15, 2010
This will seem strange but my husband has some issues with trust for no reason except he cheated int he past so he is worried I am going to do the same (never would regardless) BUT I am upset because he sneaks onto my laptop and he is so computer savy that he can hide things and put applications on here and Id never know the difference. Well today I was on here and wanted to hook up my bluetooth adapter thing I just got. Well I dont know how I got to it but wound up in the windows task manager and I clicked on services and it showed bluetooth. Well the other day my husband said for some reason it wouldnt work and I knew he was lieing... I then find an "Enabled" bluettoth thing on here saying the following "send to bluetooth device" yet it has no info on what folders or when placed on my laptop or the publisher just shows it is enabled and wont show anymore info. It states unavailable and says its a "browser extension". What could this be PLEASE help. I cant get it off and Im really upset. Just need the truth from someone. Can u help?
Not sure exaclty what the issue or question you have exactly, seems you are trying to find out what the Bluetooth service is maybe?

It's normal, and gets installed when you setup your adapter. It's there so you can use the bluetooth dongle as a modem connection or to send files to other systems which is a normal use for that technology. It's not there to spy on you.
It sounds like you are paranoid or he really is doing *** behind your back.

From what you have typed you are already heading to divorce court just by you not trusting him and it is a slippery slope from there on.

in the true christianty the only cause for divorce is cheating , but forgiveness provided that your husband is sad about what he was doing and you feel that he ll not do it again
it is best not to leave him specially if u have kids from him it is much better for them to live with their both parents .
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