Here's everything you need to know about Activision's upcoming sci-fi shooter 'Destiny.'
Destiny the Game: Everything You Need to Know : Read more
Destiny the Game: Everything You Need to Know : Read more
If you play FPS on consoles I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but inaccurate aim ain't one.
Of course there will be a PC version, they just have to update the bugs for the Xbox version before porting and recompiling the code. Does anybody actually code games for the PC these rather than just badly port a console ?
It's not Bungie making those calls, it's Activision. The publisher controls nearly all of the decisions regarding release dates, what platforms the game will be for, pre-order bonuses, and many other things that are out of the developers' hands.bungie for screwing over us PC people again.
Oh well, my nephew is going to love it on his 360, I guess I'll stick to Payday 2 and Borderlands 2.