Diablo 3 Combat Will Be Lag-Free; PayPal Supported

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To those wondering if the elimination of network latency will actually work- it will if the player's actions are being handled client-side.

Think of an FPS where you fire at someone. Normally your computer sends where you fired the shot and the server determines when you fired the shot (which is affected by the network latency). If the server says you were on target then you were on target.

Here, the player's client does both and sends back all the information, and as long as it is deemed to be legitimate then the server accepts that you were on target. This is the way the "zero ping" mutator works in UT3 which has been around for a while.
Maybe the lag in diablo 2 was caused by the fact that many people played it on a 56 k modem????
[citation][nom]jrabbit2[/nom]waaah waaah, wahhh, always so much griefing every single time a D3 news surface.Honestly, I am loving the auction house, I'm not a kid anymore, I have a job, I work 8 to 5, I don't have the time as these kids who sit in mom's basement all day farming gears. So while they are "hardworking" farming in the basement, I am hardworking making real money at work, after I get home, i will want use my hard-earned money to buy the absolute best gears, to make up for the time lost during work. To me, this is perfectly fair, different people have different priorities, you can bet yo ass I'll be dropping my entire paycheque on the auction house when the game comes, just to see these kids cry. to these whiners - grow up, get a job.[/citation]

i had a teacher in school who played diablo 2 to level 99, now a teacher has a FAR longer job than you, needing to correct 100~ kids papers every day before going online and playing with us. he was still better geared than most of the kids who played with him...

i will forever have more respect for that kind of a person than i will EVER have for someone who makes comments like you.
[citation][nom]jrabbit2[/nom]waaah waaah, wahhh, always so much griefing every single time a D3 news surface.Honestly, I am loving the auction house, I'm not a kid anymore, I have a job, I work 8 to 5, I don't have the time as these kids who sit in mom's basement all day farming gears. So while they are "hardworking" farming in the basement, I am hardworking making real money at work, after I get home, i will want use my hard-earned money to buy the absolute best gears, to make up for the time lost during work. To me, this is perfectly fair, different people have different priorities, you can bet yo ass I'll be dropping my entire paycheque on the auction house when the game comes, just to see these kids cry. to these whiners - grow up, get a job.[/citation]

Hate to break this to you, many of us not only have jobs, but school as well. Just because we all have varying degrees of responsibility in our lives does not mean that how much disposable (and unforunately as will be the case, indisposable) income someone has should allow them an advantage over gameplay.

There is also another factor being played out here that I have seen very few people talk about, and that is the driving away of the franchise fan. The fact is very few fans of the Diablo franchise will want to pay money to get ahead in the game. Someone who is a true fan will want to experience it as it's intended. However, grouping with someone, or even worse facing someone in PvP, who has basically "paid to win" will not be a lot of fun. True fans are not all that interested in "shiny gear" as the end all be all of the game.

Blizzard has already lost a fair amount of the franchise fan base of Warcraft during the last 2 expansions. Not only has the comics been cancelled due to low sales, and the second pre-cataclysm novel (second of three, the first also having low sales) just now being released at a ridiculous point where they are about to bring out the final plot points of the expansion, they are losing subscribers at a quick pace. Nearly a million in just six months. The first six months of the expansion. Not a good sign.

The fact is the players who will take shortcuts with the game to purchase gear so they won't have to go through what they see as the boring aspects of "gearing up" are not the types of fans that keep a franchise alive and going.
[citation][nom]Fox Montage[/nom]To those wondering if the elimination of network latency will actually work- it will if the player's actions are being handled client-side. Think of an FPS where you fire at someone. Normally your computer sends where you fired the shot and the server determines when you fired the shot (which is affected by the network latency). If the server says you were on target then you were on target. Here, the player's client does both and sends back all the information, and as long as it is deemed to be legitimate then the server accepts that you were on target. This is the way the "zero ping" mutator works in UT3 which has been around for a while.[/citation]

UT3 has no AI mobs that I am aware of. The fact is when it comes to multiplayer for D3, the client can not control the players actions and the AI mobs reaction in a multiplayer group because other players are having interaction with that same mob. And if each players client registers something different, then you have a serious game bug. Therefore, the latency issue is still going to be there.

Sorry, as hellwig pointed out, only in single player will this potential fix have any bearing, and it is unneccessary work they created for themselves if they had a traditional single player game in place.
Id write lol, but this is one of those laught so hard my tacco fell off and i lost my sombrero.....

Lets see, this is the ingredients: Calculations on local, data verification by server only, partnership with paypal. ANd the Recipie is!!!!

Yeah, godlike Baalrun Bots flooding diablo 3 incoming!
Or perhaps blizzard themselves will sell items 😀.
[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]1. Yes, D2 had that. However, it was not sactioned by Blizzard. The activity in D3 will be, which means Blizzard (namely Bobby Kotick) will have incentive to allow the activity to occur. So just because it happened in D2 doesn't mean nothing will change with Blizzard getting involved. And since D3 must be played online even for single player, and since Blizzard has a financial stake in the auction sales, legitimate players will have to battle against botters and farmers for drops. They may be in seperate instances of the game, but the server will not allow too many of any particular item to drop so that it's price won't fall to the point where Blizz makes no money off it's potential sale.2. That may be true that they are going to a Guild Wars style assigned looting still doesn't take away from the fact from the point in number 1, that even players in single player games will be affected by botters who are in their own seperate instance of the game.3. You obviously did not understand the point Nuclear was making. Even if Nuclear does not participate in the AH, since the AH is now legitimatized, many many more people will buy items on it, thus making the characters more powerful, not through gameplay, but based on the amount of money in their wallet they are willing to spend on items. So yes, his gameplay will be affected, even if in an indirect way.[/citation]

1. Let me quote him: "I have spent countless hours in both Diablo and Diablo II. I love both games and will always look back on them as great gaming experiences. However it saddens me to think that I may not even buy this one."
So, D1 was hacked to death, D2 was hacked and bot'ed to death and also had a massive black market. Yet he loved both games and considers them great gaming experiences. And that's why he doesn't make sense.

2. Diablo is not an mmo. Just because it requires an internet connection doesn't make it a mmog. The only competitive thing in the past was the ladder realm first lvl99 bragging rights. And that didn't require either skill nor gear, just pure dedication (aka no life).

3. see 2.

Either way, I don't mind him not playing or any of you for that matter. Even if I was the only person on earth playing it I would enjoy it equally because its not an mmog but essentially a single player with online perks.
[citation][nom]jrabbit2[/nom]waaah waaah, wahhh, always so much griefing every single time a D3 news surface.Honestly, I am loving the auction house, I'm not a kid anymore, I have a job, I work 8 to 5, I don't have the time as these kids who sit in mom's basement all day farming gears. So while they are "hardworking" farming in the basement, I am hardworking making real money at work, after I get home, i will want use my hard-earned money to buy the absolute best gears, to make up for the time lost during work. To me, this is perfectly fair, different people have different priorities, you can bet yo ass I'll be dropping my entire paycheque on the auction house when the game comes, just to see these kids cry. to these whiners - grow up, get a job.[/citation]

I, along with many other people will be ROFL as we pawn your @$$ in-game regardless of the money you spend gearing up! I agree there's no reason to get worked up as there's no way around farmers. However, by earning your own gear it allows your to improve your technique. Many people who buy gear do not know their limitations of their own character. They may go about easily killing mobs, but when it comes to PVP they just get beaten, by sub-par geared people.
I was about to say, there's been a ton of misinformation out there. Diablo has been and always will be a cooperative game. PvP was just a fun addition (*at times).

Even if some people buy their entire gear set, that doesn't make them a better player. It will be those who grind out the levels and work for the gear that will be the most adapted.

*Iron man runs with PvP turned on was fun, being gibbed by another player was not
They're actually legitimizing the sale of in-game items? then people will just quit their job and farm all day. This is so much worse than farmville.
They had to ADD a buy system... because CHINA was doing it already... they are just hindering the ability of these outside countries to sell items on their own... and potentially rip people off too.... there was going to be an underground buy system whether blizzard implemented it or not... so what they are doing is a protective measure... and good players will win a pvp fight regardless of bought gear... I'm going to have the best gear in the game whether I find it or whether I buy it..... I'll do whatever I need to.

[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]UT3 has no AI mobs that I am aware of. The fact is when it comes to multiplayer for D3, the client can not control the players actions and the AI mobs reaction in a multiplayer group because other players are having interaction with that same mob. And if each players client registers something different, then you have a serious game bug. Therefore, the latency issue is still going to be there.Sorry, as hellwig pointed out, only in single player will this potential fix have any bearing, and it is unneccessary work they created for themselves if they had a traditional single player game in place.[/citation]
The problem is, that doing it this way, the client knows in advance what will happen, and that could potentially be exploited. If they don't think this through very carefully, you could end up having modded clients, that fx know what you will gamble ahead of time - since the info is already on the client to enable zero-ping.

Considering the rampant problems with duping in D2, I'm not sure this is such a good idea... :-/
[citation][nom]spookyman[/nom]Do I have to use PayPal?I hate PayPal[/citation]
You missed the part where it said that it's an option, right?
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