Dish /Replay



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This may sound really stupid but since I am really stupid I guess it's
normal. I have 5040's and am perfectly happy. We are moving and SBS in my
area now offers a bundled package with Dish Network and offers the DVR-522.
However, they offer only 1 DVR that they say can be used on 2 TV's and 2
additional receivers.

So my question is, will I be able to hook up my 2 replay's with the 2 addl
Sat receivers? Will it be possible to record and watch something
different?!?!!? Any insight would be appreciated!

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On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 11:53:34 GMT, "GR" <> wrote:

>This may sound really stupid but since I am really stupid I guess it's
>normal. I have 5040's and am perfectly happy. We are moving and SBS in my
>area now offers a bundled package with Dish Network and offers the DVR-522.
>However, they offer only 1 DVR that they say can be used on 2 TV's and 2
>additional receivers.
>So my question is, will I be able to hook up my 2 replay's with the 2 addl
>Sat receivers? Will it be possible to record and watch something
>different?!?!!? Any insight would be appreciated!

Replay should work fine with Dish. Of course, you'll still need a Dish
receiver for each one.

Mark Lloyd

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh
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> Replay should work fine with Dish. Of course, you'll still need a Dish
> receiver for each one.

The only thing is the Dish system does not have a serial input to change
IR Blaster is the only way. Dang it.