diskless solution on internet cafe

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Jun 5, 2012
Hope I entered the right category. If not, please pardon me.
I have read about this diskless solution on internet cafe and it seems to be good. I would like to hear any opinion/s about this as I am planning to set up an internet cafe.
Thanks and God bless.
Hi there,

there are solutions for schools that each time you boot the PC it's set in a standard setup.
There is also a way to log on with administrator so you can run updates and save the last state !

there are more ways to install internetcafé-PC's that's the best if you want to avoid virusses and spyware.

you could also go to an internetcafé and ask the owner some advice on how you could do it (don't do this if he is you neighbour ;-).

Cheers, Louise.

Thanks a lot, Louise. But it seems I didn't make my inquiry clear. What I mean is: is this what they call diskless solution (no disk on client PC) good? Is it cost effective?

Gratefully, hellraider.

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