B bobbielilly48 Mar 29, 2018 3 0 10 Mar 29, 2018 #1 Broke my phone is not an android or smart phone and has no Google account just an active phone#how do I retrieve my info pic's #s etc
Broke my phone is not an android or smart phone and has no Google account just an active phone#how do I retrieve my info pic's #s etc
rgd1101 Don't Moderator Nov 7, 2011 17,850 216 87,600 Mar 29, 2018 #2 MERGED QUESTION Question from bobbielilly48 : "Do I hey my info from non Android phone" bobbielilly48 : Broke my phone is not an android or smart phone and has no Google account just an active phone# Upvote 0 Downvote
MERGED QUESTION Question from bobbielilly48 : "Do I hey my info from non Android phone" bobbielilly48 : Broke my phone is not an android or smart phone and has no Google account just an active phone#
rgd1101 Don't Moderator Nov 7, 2011 17,850 216 87,600 Mar 29, 2018 #3 And the model of this phone is? And what do you mean by broken? Upvote -1 Downvote
B bobbielilly48 Mar 29, 2018 3 0 10 Mar 29, 2018 #4 It is a Samsung flip phone model sph-m270 stepped on when it was open and screen side broke Upvote 0 Downvote