I generally don't think you will need a laptop until you go to college for schoolwork.
Based on what I've read and on some people's experience schools generally do not require current students to bring a laptop to school because the curriculum is not designed for it to be a necessity. However, new students enrolling in the schools like high school freshmen would be encouraged to get a laptop because the their curriculum would be signed to take advantage of a laptop. When they go onto to be sophomores, then the sophomore classes will be designed to have a curriculum that also takes advantage of laptops. It will be these new students would general benefit having a laptop as they progress through high school. Older students like you would would have curriculums that do not need a laptop. The year after you graduate, those original freshmen would now be seniors and so the entire school would then have a curriculum based around a laptop.
Going digital can actually happen at a much younger age. Back in 2009 a former co-worker of mine said he needed to buy an iPad for his daughter in 1st grade because it was mandatory as all assignments and homework would be distributed / submitted via e-mail and all textbooks were replaced by ebooks. This is in one of the more affluent towns in Connecticut.