Do I need an iPhone?


Mar 12, 2015
So, I was wondering about getting the Apple Watch for school. Unfortunately, I just don't have the money to buy a phone and to pay for it every month. Hence, I was wondering if I could use the watch without a phone. I do have an iPod 4, and access to an iPod 5 and an iPad 2, but no iPhones. I know that it can connect to Wi-Fi, but I was wondering if I could still use all the features that I would get by using a phone (other than GPS and phoning and other little things like that that would obviously require a phone). If anyone could help me, that would be great! Thanks! -Isaac
As far as I know, you need an iPhone to use the Apple Watch. A vast majority of the apps they were hyping up require an active connection to the phone (think upwards of 90% of all the apps). Although the watch is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi, it apparently can't access anything Internet-related without the phone.

If it can connect to Wi-Fi/internet, but can't do anything internet-related without a phone, then why would Apple make it able to connect to the internet in the first place? It seems like if you can't do anything with the internet, they would have taken out the connector and added more battery life, or something along those lines. Can you think of any reasons?
This FAQ should answer all your questions:,news-19966.html

The Apple Watch runs a version of iOS that is simpler than its smartphone counterpart. You won't be able to make calls or use Web-based services from the watch without being connected to a compatible device (iPhone 5 and up, running the latest version of iOS 8). The Apple Watch pairs with iPhones via Bluetooth Low Energy and built-in Wi-Fi.