Do Laptops have SMPS?


Jan 15, 2009
I want to know whether a laptop contains a SMPS similar to that of a desktop? A laptop has a charger, is that sometimes called SMPS? Bascially it does the same function of converting AC to DC. Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for the reply... I gave laptop to repair to a nearby dealer here... he says that there's a problem with the SMPS... My laptop was purchased in June 2007.. Its an Acer 5583.. I dont trust him.. he is charging excessively... I want to know if he's lying or not..
So the bottomline is there is NO smps for laptop.. right? said that most modern AC/DC converters, especially higher-end ones used on notebooks, include switching functions. Most people, however, don't call them SMPSs, they call them Power Supply Units, or PSUs.

What was your notebook doing before you gave it to this dealer?