Downloaded something and virus autoinstalled


May 12, 2014
About a hour ago i noticed a virus installing on my computer tried getting something. It wouldn't even let me access Windows defender had to go in hkeylocalmachine software policies and had to delete something.

Initially it said I needed to call a Windows specialist and have me an 800 number to call I know it's a scam obviously. Anyways computer Auto shuts down and seems like the computer is always loading, the net only works half the time and seems I can't go anywhere to install something new. I also can't run c.c. cleaner to clear cache or autuorestore to a previous point. It fails to find the dns, I did an ip flush and that didn't seem to help. What should I do next, only can run quick scam with defender before comp shuts down it did find 3 things, but more is affecting it. Thanks for your help.
try booting up hit f8 go into safe mode with network support. see if you can remove the virus there. look for new programs installed today and remove them. run malware bytes/hitman pro.
if you cant get into safe mode then from avast or avg or one of the big anti virus pople download from a clean computer a virus rescue disk. if you cant remove the virus that way your going to have to make a windows boot iso stick and nuke and pave your drive and start fresh.
try booting up hit f8 go into safe mode with network support. see if you can remove the virus there. look for new programs installed today and remove them. run malware bytes/hitman pro.
if you cant get into safe mode then from avast or avg or one of the big anti virus pople download from a clean computer a virus rescue disk. if you cant remove the virus that way your going to have to make a windows boot iso stick and nuke and pave your drive and start fresh.
F8 wasn't working for me I'm not sure what the deal is, just gives me boot options or nothing for some reason. I read somewhere wait after the boot, but that was not working for me either mf599fx pro r2.0 Motherboard if that matters no clue. Think I was holding f8 when I went to shutdown and it gave me special options from there I was able to restore my computer to one day prior.

I believe it worked successfully, but when I came back on here at least initially it would keep doing pop ups when I brought this page back up and kept doing it. Then I ran cc cleaner and don't seem to have the issue after cleaned cache/registry. Should I be good to go now, I downloaded MalwareBytes now even was told that Defender is good enough on it's own, I just want to make sure that this thing is gone, by far the worst virus I have ever came across. Thank you for your help.