Hello all,
Sorry for the long read, but I will try to be as specific as possible.
2 days ago my long standing Logitech G35 headset got screwed, after a 5 year usage. When I first put it on back then, I was wowed while gaming because of the virtual surround sound.
Now I didn't know any better yet, looked up the best gaming headset for a budget and found the steelseries arctic 7. (just like I did, 5 years ago.) After a couple of reviews it was clear to me that virtual surround is a gimmick.
After reading some more, I found out that any descent headphone with a good sound stage can create "directional sound". I tested this out with my m50-x (audio technica), and I could indeed hear some directional stuff).
After some more looking up and comparing different models and brands, I ended up with the DT990 pro. Already bought it and I should expect it to be delivered tomorrow.
Now, I only have an onboard audio. And I'm not sure what to do regarding the dac/amp.
Clearly my onboard audio from my motherboard won't cut it, a rather old board. It does have
Should I buy a pci-e soundcard?
Usb soundcard:
PCI-E soundcard + amp
dac & amp
I'm leaning towards the dac & amp, that way I can hopefully use it on my yamaha rx-v667 receiver as well, if it supports it. Because I have read somewhere that the driver for the speakers are alright, but that they usually cheap out on headphone stuff. But is this really worth it?
Regarding the dac & amp, I have read a lot of posts from people using schiit 2 stack or shiit 2 uberstack .
If I would go for this, I would pick the uber, as I would be able to connect speakers later on as well.
But since most of those articles aren't really recent, I was wondering if this is still a good entry option, or is there better stuff, around the same price? (+- 200 euro)
And what option would be better?
I mainly listen to music while working, or watching series, and whenever I found a hole between renovating a house, working 60 hours a week I do some occasional gaming. (which should increase once the renovations are done)
PS: I don't want tubes, as those need to be replaced over time, and I am entry level guy. I should start with solid first 😉 (or so I was told)
Sorry for the long read, but I will try to be as specific as possible.
2 days ago my long standing Logitech G35 headset got screwed, after a 5 year usage. When I first put it on back then, I was wowed while gaming because of the virtual surround sound.
Now I didn't know any better yet, looked up the best gaming headset for a budget and found the steelseries arctic 7. (just like I did, 5 years ago.) After a couple of reviews it was clear to me that virtual surround is a gimmick.
After reading some more, I found out that any descent headphone with a good sound stage can create "directional sound". I tested this out with my m50-x (audio technica), and I could indeed hear some directional stuff).
After some more looking up and comparing different models and brands, I ended up with the DT990 pro. Already bought it and I should expect it to be delivered tomorrow.
Now, I only have an onboard audio. And I'm not sure what to do regarding the dac/amp.
Clearly my onboard audio from my motherboard won't cut it, a rather old board. It does have
■ 1 x Optical S/PDIF out
■ 6 x Audio jack(s)
Should I buy a pci-e soundcard?
■ pro: cheaper than external dac & amp
■ con: can only use it on my pc
■ con: can't use it on receiver
Usb soundcard:
■ pro: can use it on both laptop and pc
■ con: can't use it on receiver
■ con: another thing I would have to plug into usbs
PCI-E soundcard + amp
■ con: will not be able to use it on laptop?
dac & amp
■ pro: can use it on everything
■ con: most expensive
■ I am not really sure if I will even use it on my receiver, as I mainly use the receiver with my surround system when watching movies and series, not or listening to music when not using headphones. The option would be nice tho.
I'm leaning towards the dac & amp, that way I can hopefully use it on my yamaha rx-v667 receiver as well, if it supports it. Because I have read somewhere that the driver for the speakers are alright, but that they usually cheap out on headphone stuff. But is this really worth it?
Regarding the dac & amp, I have read a lot of posts from people using schiit 2 stack or shiit 2 uberstack .
If I would go for this, I would pick the uber, as I would be able to connect speakers later on as well.
But since most of those articles aren't really recent, I was wondering if this is still a good entry option, or is there better stuff, around the same price? (+- 200 euro)
And what option would be better?
I mainly listen to music while working, or watching series, and whenever I found a hole between renovating a house, working 60 hours a week I do some occasional gaming. (which should increase once the renovations are done)
PS: I don't want tubes, as those need to be replaced over time, and I am entry level guy. I should start with solid first 😉 (or so I was told)